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Vylocity > Announcements
Vylocity Update 06-09-2022
<b>IDE</b>: - <u>added</u> * The fill option contiguous has been added to the map editor when filling with regions * ctrl+shift+z will now redo in the map editor and icon editor * the <b>Join Server</b> feature in the offline IDE will now save your las ...
Last post by Veek on Sep 18, 2022
Vylocity Update 04-24-2021
<b>Site</b>: - <u>added</u> * When playing games through, logging in through Twitter is now an option <b>IDE</b>: - <u>added</u> * new <b>Import Spritesheet</b> feature added to the icon editor * new <b>Code Style</b> menu which lets you ...
Last post by Veek on Apr 24, 2021
Vylocity Update 03-24-2021
Development on Vylocity is still very active. Updates were just being posted on Discord over the last couple years, which you can check out by joining us on Discord at I am going to start posting announcements here again jus ...
Last post by Veek on Mar 24, 2021
Vylocity Update 8-13-2017
Just another heads up that development on Vylocity is still very active, there's just less announcement posts being made to focus more on the updates. However, details on what is being worked on or whatever is new is posted on the Vylocity Discord, whi ...
Last post by Veek on Aug 14, 2017
Vylocity Update 5-9-2017
Just a heads up. This project is not dead. The lack of announcements on this forum is more because logging all the changes and making these posts this early into development was time consuming. Instead, I have been posting updates in the Vylocity Disc ...
Last post by Veek on May 09, 2017
Vylocity Update 1-8-2017
New updates! First official update of the year! Added some new functions to the <b>Map</b> static object. <b>Map.getAngle(pA, pB)</b> returns the angle in radians between pA and pB on the map. <b>Map.getDirByAngle(pD, pAngle)</b> returns the directi ...
Last post by Veek on Jan 09, 2017
Vylocity Update 12-19-2016
Another update is here. Added a new function for all <b>Diobs</b>. You can now set the animation frame (and freeze on it if you want) with <b>diob.setFrame(pFrame, pDelay, pCont)</b> where pFrame is the frame number, pDelay is the delay to delay the n ...
Last post by Veek on Dec 20, 2016
Vylocity Update 12-10-2016
Another day of updates! You can now press enter when in the name selection box when making a file or icon in the IDE. Added some new functions to the <b>Map</b> static object. Added <b>Map.getDir(pA, pB)</b> which will return the direction string fro ...
Last post by Veek on Dec 11, 2016
Vylocity Update 12-5-2016
More updates are here! Been working on a lot of things for Vylocity over the last couple weeks, just haven't got around to making posts about it. Also forgot to track a lot of what was done (even though last post I said I would start being better about ...
Last post by Veek on Dec 06, 2016
Vylocity Update 10-20-2016
Another update post! I've been working on things quite a bit. Fixed a lot of bugs, changed a lot of systems. I've also been working on a new RPG, a remake of one of my first ever games, Teridal. As for the updates, I did more style changes around the ...
Last post by Veek on Oct 21, 2016
Vylocity Update 10-6-2016
Updates and stuff. So, I have been doing a lot of work on Vylocity the last couple of days. Most of what I have been working on is polish around the site, including new loading screens and alterations to some images and the logo, along with a lot of e ...
Last post by Veek on Oct 06, 2016
Vylocity Update 10-2-2016
New updates! So this is my new alias. Well, it's an old alias, but it is what I will be going by around here. But let's jump right into the updates! Added password recovery to the site. Fixed some stuff around the IDE. Importing a lot of icon files ...
Last post by Veek on Oct 02, 2016
Vylocity Update 8-5-2016
So it has been quite awhile since I posted an update. I have been working on things here and there while working on some of my game projects, but my main focus has been my game projects. I will continue to update Vylocity as I work on my games, but I a ...
Last post by Bandock on Aug 17, 2016
Vylocity Update 2-2-2016
Small but important update! Added a new system that lets you use the keyword <b>override</b> at the top of a function to prevent the function call from calling parent functions first. <code> Mob function a() alert(1) Child function a() overr ...
Last post by Jon on Feb 03, 2016
Vylocity Update 1-31-2016
More updates are here! Worked a bit on the engine. When using <b>client.topScreenDraw</b> or <b>diob.overScreenDraw</b> you can now use the settings '<b>composite</b>' and '<b>alpha</b>' where alpha, which determines how visible the thing being drawn ...
Last post by Jon on Feb 01, 2016
Vylocity Update 12-22-2015
Another day of updates. Continued working on the IDE. It's getting more and more polished every update. It'll be finished in no time at this rate! I went ahead and added a grid system to the icon editor to better display pixel positions when you are ...
Last post by Jon on Dec 23, 2015
Vylocity Update 12-17-2015
More updates! Added a new function to the <b>Type</b> static object called <b>Type.isType(pType, pType2)</b> which returns true if pType is equal to pType2 or a child of pType2, and false if it is not either. This replaces <b>Type.checkType</b>. Went ...
Last post by Konlet on Dec 20, 2015
Vylocity Update 12-3-2015
Another day of updates. So I spent some more time working on the IDE. To start I focused on the code editor. It would be nice to get at least one of the editors very polished before beta and the code editor is probably the easiest, not to mention the ...
Last post by Jon on Dec 03, 2015
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